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The Warren Walkabout

The Warren Walkabout is held annually in November.

Please see the Calendar of Events for more information


The Massasoit Historical Association is proud to participate by offering tours of the Maxwell House, demonstrations of colonial living and more


Drop by this year to see what's cooking

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Sunday November 15th 2020

  • 2 exhibits

  • 6 volunteers

  • 50+ visitors

  • 30+ candles

Candle making begins with a pot of melted wax

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hanging the waxed wicks to dry

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visitors take a peek


33 fresh new candles

Are you interested in learning more about life in Colonial Warren Rhode Island?



Click on the illustration of Warren below!

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dipping wicks into the hot wax


Welcome Friends

Events Location: Maxwell House 59 Church St Warren RI 02885

Massasoit Historical Association is a  501(C)(3) Organization Copyright © 2022 Massasoit  Historical Association.

All Rights Reserved



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Post Office Box 203

Warren Rhode Island 02885

Phone: (401) 527-7894


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Web Design by R. Hansen Media 2022

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